all postcodes in SW1Y / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW1Y postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW1Y 5AA 6 4 51.505559 -0.133636
SW1Y 5AD 16 1 51.505933 -0.133981
SW1Y 5DG 1 1 51.505692 -0.132996
SW1Y 5AG 1 1 51.505873 -0.132484
SW1Y 5AH 22 15 51.50663 -0.130335
SW1Y 5AN 2 2 51.507148 -0.130645
SW1Y 5AP 14 0 51.507148 -0.130645
SW1Y 5AQ 1 1 51.505813 -0.132674
SW1Y 5AS 1 1 51.506709 -0.130174
SW1Y 5AT 1 0 51.507366 -0.130219
SW1Y 5AU 4 4 51.507959 -0.130771
SW1Y 5BD 1 1 51.506709 -0.130174
SW1Y 5BG 2 0 51.507811 -0.129955
SW1Y 5BJ 1 1 51.507979 -0.129228
SW1Y 5BL 11 4 51.507515 -0.13053
SW1Y 5BQ 1 0 51.507879 -0.129664
SW1Y 5DL 1 0 51.507811 -0.129955
SW1Y 5EA 6 4 51.507383 -0.131313
SW1Y 5ED 1 1 51.50719 -0.131624
SW1Y 5EP 1 1 51.506736 -0.133011